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A member registered May 15, 2020

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The game has some issues, but i think there is something here to build on.

The flappy jump needs tweaked a bit.  I felt like I couldnt control the jump height as well as i wanted too.  I think if you make the gravity a bit heavier so the player falls a bit faster it would improve the feel of the flappy jump. 

Slowing down the screen scrolling or increasing the field of view a touch would help as well.

I really like the idea of the sound coming in as you collected items.  It is a bit buggy at the moment but i really like where you were going with it.

I think you have a good start on something here.  Its a shame you were not able to add in the Pup Rival, that would have been interesting to try out.

Maybe you could have had a Pup chef chasing you around the restaurant and you had to try and eat as many plates before getting caught.  Add in  some things to hide behind/underneath, such as tables and chairs. 

I know you were not able to implement the graphics you wanted, but maybe having a cat tongue popping out to give an idea on where/when the best time to eat would be.

Thanks for playing!
We had to cut a bunch of things in order to make the Jam deadline.  But I agree, more Rock, Paper, scissors, Lizard, Spock, etc... elements would be neat to implement.  Also had plans for Rats, and a Boss fight, but ran out of time.

The Combos would heal the Nightmare Damage meter when you would hit a set length of combo.   We want to expand on the combo system in a future update.

Thanks for playing!
Glad to hear people are enjoying the few music tracks we have.  I didnt get to spend as much time on them as I wanted to.   I hope to have a few more added to the game whenever we have an update after the Jam.
We knew the weapon swap needed work, but had to prioritize other things first since it was technically in working order.  We had planned on mouse scroll wheel as another way to cycle thru them, but didnt make it in in time.

Thanks for the feedback.  We knew that the weapon switching still felt a bit unnatural/clunky.  We were in the works of trying out a few different ideas to make it feel more fluid, but had to be sidelined due to running short on time.  This is something that will be adjusted in a 2.0 release after the Jam.

Thanks for the feedback on the music.   I had plans for longer and less repetitive music,. 

Definitely something i wanted to spend more time on, but it got put on the back burner while trying to get enough SFX for the game to have some proper personality.